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The Qingdao Hash
House Harriers (QDH3) is one of Qingdao's oldest running/hiking clubs. Around the World, Hashing groups are called "The drinking clubs with the running problem". We meet (almost) every Saturday afternoon to run, jog, hike or walk for about 90 - 120 minutes, every time in a different part of Qingdao. After the run/walk we
tell silly jokes and sing funny Hash songs and drink beer together.
Non-beer drinkers are also welcome. Fun is guaranteed! Not a
professional runner? Neither are we! If you have half a mind to do a Hash run/walk, then that's more than enough! ;) | |
More about us and the Hash history ? Tryhere. For news and infos about upcoming events, checkthis section. On On ! Qingdao Hash House Harriers | ![]() |